The most intuitive way for me to understand these equations is to simulate paths:
$$\Delta x_i\equiv x_{i+1}-x_i=\mu(x_i)\Delta t+\sigma(x_i,t_i)\xi_{t+1},\, \xi\sim\mathcal N(0,1)$$
In each simulation $j$ we create a path: $x^{[j]}=[x_0,x^{[j]}_1,x^{[j]}_2,\dots]\\
x^{[j]}_1=x_0+\mu(x_0)\Delta t+\sigma\xi^{[j]}_1\\
x^{[j]}_2=x^{[j]}_1+\mu(x^{[j]}_1)\Delta t+\sigma\xi^{[j]}_2\\
Infinite set of paths $x^{[j]}$ comprise the solution of the equation with parameters $\mu,\sigma^2$.
This highlights the difference with deterministic equations without the stochastic terms such as $\sigma dB$.
In your stochastic equation, only the variance is deterministic in sense that it only depends on observed $x_i$ at time $t_i=t_0+i\Delta t$. So, each increment $\Delta x_i$ has a conditionally (on $x_i$) deterministic and stochastic parts.
In a fully deterministic differential equation you have only one path of evolution, e.g.
$$\Delta x_i\equiv x_{i+1}-x_i=\mu(x_i)\Delta t\\
x_{i}=x_0+\sum_{k=1}^i\mu(x_i)\Delta t\\
x_1=x_0+\mu(x_0)\Delta t\\
x_2=x_1+\mu(x_1)\Delta t\\