When I run my output from the lmer
function for random effects, I get something like this:
form_lmer1 <- "y ~ 1 + Var1 + (1+Var1 | group)"
fm3 <- lmer(as.formula(form_lmer1), df, REML=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
# $group
# (Intercept) Var1
# 500 0.044211088 -0.0127878291
# 501 -0.047100911 0.0779782538
# 502 0.038150455 -0.0073571972
# 504 0.040368393 -0.0089280108
# 505 0.062128815 -0.0308154532
# 506 0.004291613 0.0265210988
Are these just the differences of the fixed effects / coefficients?
# (Intercept) Var1
# 0.970103582 0.001630575
So if I wanted to calculate the new coefficients by group, I would just add/subtract from the fixed effect?