I have following sample dataset in R
time calls date
01-01-2018 08:00-08:59 53 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 09:00-09:59 43 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 10:00-10:59 27 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 11:00-11:59 50 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 12:00-12:59 53 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 13:00-13:59 40 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 14:00-14:59 33 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 15:00-15:59 43 01-01-2018
01-01-2018 16:00-17:00 27 01-01-2018
First column is the call volume at every hour (9 hours shift), I want to forecast at hourly level and daily level(aggregated at day level). I do not want to fit two different time series models for hourly and daily level call forecasting. Is there any model which gives me both level forecasting in same model? I have heard of hierarchical time series models or grouped time series models,but not sure if we can apply them in above scenario