"Spatial autocorrelation" means various things to various people. An overarching concept, though, is that a phenomenon observed at locations $\mathbf{z}$ may depend in some definite way on (a) covariates, (b) location, and (c) its values at nearby locations. (Where the technical definitions vary lie in the kind of data being considered, what "definite way" is postulated, and what "nearby" means: all of these have to be made quantitative in order to proceed.)
To see what might be going on, let's consider a simple example of such a spatial model to describe the topography of a region. Let the measured elevation at a point $\mathbf{z}$ be $y(\mathbf{z})$. One possible model is that $y$ depends in some definite mathematical way on the coordinates of $\mathbf{z}$, which I will write $(z_1,z_2)$ in this two-dimensional situation. Letting $\varepsilon$ represent (hypothetically independent) deviations between the observations and the model (which as usual are assumed to have zero expectation), we may write
$$y(\mathbf{z}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 z_1 + \beta_2 z_2 + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z})$$
for a linear trend model. The linear trend (represented by the $\beta_1$ and $\beta_2$ coefficients) is one way to capture the idea that nearby values $y(\mathbf{z})$ and $y(\mathbf{z}')$, for $\mathbf{z}$ close to $\mathbf{z}'$, should tend to be close to one another. We can even calculate this by considering the expected value of the size of the difference between $y(\mathbf{z})$ and $y(\mathbf{z}')$, $E[|y(\mathbf{z}) - y(\mathbf{z}')|]$. It turns out the mathematics is much simpler if we use a slightly different measure of difference: instead, we compute the expected squared difference:
E[\left(y(\mathbf{z}) - y(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2]
&= E[\left(\beta_0 + \beta_1 z_1 + \beta_2 z_2 + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \left(\beta_0 + \beta_1 z_1' + \beta_2 z_2' + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)\right)^2] \\
&=E[\left(\beta_1 (z_1-z_1') + \beta_2 (z_2-z_2)' + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2] \\
&=E[\left(\beta_1 (z_1-z_1') + \beta_2 (z_2-z_2)'\right)^2 \\
&\quad+ 2\left(\beta_1 (z_1-z_1')
+ \beta_2 (z_2-z_2)'\right)\left(\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)\\
&\quad+ \left(\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2] \\
&=\left(\beta_1 (z_1-z_1') + \beta_2 (z_2-z_2)'\right)^2 + E[\left(\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2]
This model is free of any explicit spatial autocorrelation, because there is no term in it directly relating $y(\mathbf{z})$ to nearby values $y(\mathbf{z}')$.
An alternative, different, model ignores the linear trend and supposes only that there is autocorrelation. One way to do that is through the structure of the deviations $\varepsilon(\mathbf{z})$. We might posit that
$$y(\mathbf{z}) = \beta_0 + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z})$$
and, to account for our anticipation of correlation, we will assume some kind of "covariance structure" for the $\varepsilon$. For this to be spatially meaningful, we will assume the covariance between $\varepsilon(\mathbf{z})$ and $\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')$, equal to $E[\varepsilon(\mathbf{z})\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')]$ because the $\varepsilon$ have zero means, tends to decrease as $\mathbf{z}$ and $\mathbf{z}'$ become more and more distant. Because the details do not matter, let's just call this covariance $C(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z}')$. This is spatial autocorrelation. Indeed, the (usual Pearson) correlation between $y(\mathbf{z})$ and $y(\mathbf{z}')$ is
$$\rho(y(\mathbf{z}), y(\mathbf{z}')) = \frac{C(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z}')}{\sqrt{C(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z})C(\mathbf{z}', \mathbf{z}')}}.$$
In this notation, the previous expected squared difference of $y$'s for the first model is
E[\left(y(\mathbf{z}) - y(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2] &= \left(\beta_1 (z_1-z_1') + \beta_2 (z_2-z_2)'\right)^2 + E[\left(\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2] \\
&=\left(\beta_1 (z_1-z_1') + \beta_2 (z_2-z_2)'\right)^2 + C_1(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z}) + C_1(\mathbf{z}', \mathbf{z}')
(assuming $\mathbf{z} \ne \mathbf{z}'$) because the $\varepsilon$ at different locations have been assumed to be independent. I have written $C_1$ instead of $C$ to indicate this is the covariance function for the first model.
When the covariances of the $\varepsilon$ do not vary dramatically from one location to another (indeed, they are usually assumed to be constant), this equation shows that the expected squared difference in $y$'s increases quadratically with the separation between $\mathbf{z}$ and $\mathbf{z}'$. The actual amount of increase is determined by the trend coefficients $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$.
Let's see what the expected squared differences in the $y$'s is for the new model, model 2:
E[\left(y(\mathbf{z}) - y(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2] &= E[\left(\beta_0 + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \left(\beta_0 + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)\right)^2] \\
&=E[\left(\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}) - \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2] \\
&=E[\varepsilon(\mathbf{z})^2 - 2 \varepsilon(\mathbf{z})\varepsilon(\mathbf{z}') + \varepsilon(\mathbf{z}')^2] \\
&=C_2(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z}) - 2C_2(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z}') + C_2(\mathbf{z}', \mathbf{z}').
Again this behaves in the right way: because we figured $C_2(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z}')$ should decrease as $\mathbf{z}$ and $\mathbf{z}'$ become more separated, the expected squared difference in $y$'s indeed goes up with increasing separation of the locations.
Comparing the two expressions for $E[\left(y(\mathbf{z}) - y(\mathbf{z}')\right)^2]$ in the two models shows us that $\left(\beta_1 (z_1-z_1') + \beta_2 (z_2-z_2)'\right)^2$ in the first model is playing a role mathematically identical to $-2C_2(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z}')$ in the second model. (There's an additive constant lurking there, buried in the different meanings of the $C_i(\mathbf{z}, \mathbf{z})$, but it doesn't matter in this analysis.) Ergo, depending on the model, spatial correlation is typically represented as some combination of a trend and a stipulated correlation structure on random errors.
We now have, I hope, a clear answer to the question: one can represent the idea behind Tobler's Law of Geography ("everything is related to everything else, but nearer things are more related") in different ways. In some models, Tobler's Law is adequately represented by including trends (or "drift" terms) that are functions of spatial coordinates like longitude and latitude. In others, Tobler's Law is captured by means of a nontrivial covariance structure among additive random terms (the $\varepsilon$). In practice, models incorporate both methods. Which one you choose depends on what you want to accomplish with the model and on your view of how spatial autocorrelation arises--whether it is implied by underlying trends or reflects variations you wish to consider random. Neither one is always right and, in any given problem, it's often possible to use both kinds of models to analyze the data, understand the phenomenon, and predict its values at other locations (interpolation).