I am simulating a simple unimodal response Variable Y which is determined by X. $y = c \times exp (- \frac{(x-u)^2}{2t^2} )$.
x <- 1:100
y <- 50 * exp(-((x-50)^2)/(2*10^2))
In this equation, u determines the position of the mode along x If I now run a negative binomial GLM on these data
g <- glm.nb(y~x)
x is not statistically significant Pr(>|z|) = 0.505. When I move the position of the mode from the middle of x just two units to the left.
y <- 50 * exp(-((x-48)^2)/(2*10^2))
the p-value of x drops to Pr(>|z|) = 0.00106. Why does the position of the mode have such a strong influence?