I am working on a project where I am interested in the following variables:
Dependent variables: $y_1,\, y_2,\, y_3,\, y_4,\, y_5$ (continuous)
Independent variables: $x_1,\, x_2, \ldots,\, x_{18}$ (some continuous, some binary)
The first thing I did was to perform a series of simple linear regressions between each dependent and independent variable.
I found that $x_1$ (continuous variable) was strongly correlated with $y_1, \, y_2,\, y_3,$ and $y_4$, and that no dependent variables were correlated with any other independent variables.
Based on this, I would like to ask the following question:
"Are $\{y_1,\ldots, y_5\}$ related to $x_1$, when including $\{x_2,\, x_3,\ldots , x_{18}\}$ as confounders?"
I can calculate $R^2$ and p-values by performing a partial correlation on each dependent variable, but then:
1) Do I need to adjust the p-values based on multiple comparisons?
2) Does it matter that the dependent variables may be correlated?
3) Is there a more appropriate statistical test to answer my question (like multivariate linear regression)?
I really appreciate the help, I don't have any statistics background.