Let $X_1, X_2, . . . , X_n$ be iid random variables having pdf
$$f_X(x\mid\theta) =\theta(1 +x)^{−(1+\theta)}I_{(0,\infty)}(x)$$
where $\theta >0$. Give the UMVUE of $\frac{1}{\theta}$ and compute its variance
I have learned about two such methods for obtained UMVUE's:
- Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB)
- Lehmann-Scheffe Thereom
I am going to attempt this using the former of the two. I must admit that I do not completely understand what is going on here, and I'm basing my attempted solution off of an example problem. I have that $f_X(x\mid\theta)$ is a full one-parameter exponential family with
$h(x)=I_{(0,\infty)}$, $c(\theta)=\theta$, $w(\theta)=-(1+\theta)$, $t(x)=\text{log}(1+x)$
Since $w'(\theta)=1$ is nonzero on $\Theta$, the CRLB result applies. We have
$$\text{log }f_X(x\mid\theta)=\text{log}(\theta)-(1+\theta)\cdot\text{log}(1+x)$$
$$\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta}\text{log }f_X(x\mid\theta)=\frac{1}{\theta}-\text{log}(1+x)$$
$$\frac{\partial^2}{\partial \theta^2}\text{log }f_X(x\mid\theta)=-\frac{1}{\theta^2}$$
so $$I_1(\theta)=-\mathsf E\left(-\frac{1}{\theta^2}\right)=\frac{1}{\theta^2}$$
and the CRLB for unbiased estimators of $\tau(\theta)$ is
$$\frac{[\tau'(\theta)]^2}{n\cdot I _1(\theta)} = \frac{\theta^2}{n}[\tau'(\theta)]^2$$
Since $$\sum_{i=1}^n t(X_i)=\sum_{i=1}^n \text{log}(1+X_i)$$
then any linear function of $\sum_{i=1}^n \text{log}(1+X_i)$, or equivalently, any linear function of $\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \text{log}(1+X_i)$, will attain the CRLB of its expectation, and thus be a UMVUE of its expectation. Since $\mathsf E(\text{log}(1+X))=\frac{1}{\theta}$ we have that the UMVUE of $\frac{1}{\theta}$ is $\frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \text{log}(1+X_i)$
For a natural parameterization we can let $\eta=-(1+\theta)\Rightarrow \theta=-(\eta+1)$
Is this a valid solution? Is there a more simple approach? Does this method only work when the $\mathsf E(t(x))$ equals what you're trying to estimate?