I would like to know if there is a way to predict an outcome (successful/failed or $1/0$) with and without a binary variable and compare their predict probability.
I have several variables. However, I consider only one of them: it is a binary variable indicating $$ X=\left\{\array{1 & \textrm{if proposition was made}\\0 & \textrm{otherwise}}\right. $$ The outcome $Y$ is whether the contract was successful, i.e. $$ Y=\left\{\array{1 & \textrm{if contract successful}\\0 & \textrm{otherwise}}\right. $$
What I want is actually to know in the future if I should propose or not the supplement, i.e. whether to set $X=1$ or rather $X=0$. Because sometimes when it is proposed ($X=1$) the contract is not successful ($Y=0$).