In the empirical phase diagram approach the data are given by a set ${\boldsymbol X}$ of input (controlled) variables (such as pH and temperature) and a set ${\boldsymbol Y}$ of output variables. The empirical phase diagram aims to visualize (at least, roughly) the relation between the input and the output.
The strategy runs as follows in case when there are only two input variables:
firstly we ignore the input ${\boldsymbol X}$ and we run a PCA on ${\boldsymbol Y}$
keep the first three principal components
transform the three coordinates on the principal components into a color using the red-green-blue coding
plot the color in function of the two input variables, and visualize
I am rather new in PCA analysis (so please do not hesitate to tell me my questions are stupid if they are). I know PCA has a better interpretation when it is applied with a sample of i.i.d. random multivariate normal variables. But I don't know what are the possible pitfalls when this assumption does not hold.
Assume for instance a multivariate regression model for which the distribution of a single multivariate response ${\boldsymbol Y}$ is assumed to be: $${\boldsymbol Y}_i = f({\boldsymbol X}_i) + \epsilon_i \quad \textrm{with } \epsilon_i \sim {\cal N}({\boldsymbol 0}, \Sigma).$$ I think that we ideally should run the PCA on the centered responses ${\boldsymbol Y}_i - \hat{f}({\boldsymbol X}_i)$ in such a situation.
So what are the possible pitfalls if we run the above strategy in such a situation ?