I am using PROC GLM in SAS to fit a regression equation of the following form
$$ Y = b_0 + b_1X_1 + b_2X_2 + b_3X_3 + b_4t $$
The QQ plot of the resulting redsiduals indicate deviation from normality. Any transformation of $Y$ is not useful in making the residuals normal.
At this point, can I safely switch to non-parametric methods such as PROC LOESS.
I have already used PROC LOESS, and the fit looks better than PROC GLM. But I do not have much knowledge in non-parametric regression. I do not know when to choose non-parametric regression over parametric regression.
Can someone help me with this?
I will go ahead and add another question. Following are the description of my variables in the model. $$ Y =\text{cost of medical care}\\ X_1 =\text{number of injections}\\ X_2 =\text{number of surgeries}\\ X_3 =\text{number of physical therapies}\\ t =\text{time} $$ Sometimes I get negative predicted cost. This does not make sense. How can I address this issue?