They are the same, but the first formula is more general and allows stochastic rewards.
$$p(s', r \mid s, a)$$ implies that the reward $r$ is dependent on both a state $s$ and an action $a$.
In the first image:$$\sum_{s', r}(\cdot) \overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \sum_{s' \in S}\sum_{r \in \mathbb{R}}(\cdot)$$.
In the second image, $R(s)$ implies that the reward $r$ is solely dependent on a state $s$. This means: $$p(r \mid s, a) = p(r \mid s)$$ for any $s \in S$, $a \in A$, and $r \in \mathbb{R}$.
- $p(r | s)$ is $1$ if $R(s) = r$ and $0$ otherwise.
In the second image, $P_{sa}(s')$ implies that the state $s'$ is solely dependent on a state $s$ and an action $a$. This means that: $$p(s' \mid s, a, r) = p(s' \mid s, a)$$ since $r$ is dependent on $s$.
With this knowledge, it is possible to derive the second formula from the first.
V(s) &\leftarrow \max_{a \in A}\sum_{s', r}p(s', r \mid s, a) \cdot [r + \gamma V(s')] \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A}\sum_{s' \in S}\sum_{r \in \mathbb{R}}p(s', r \mid s, a) \cdot [r + \gamma V(s')] & \text{(Remark #2)}\\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A}\sum_{s' \in S}\sum_{r \in \mathbb{R}}p(s' \mid s, a, r) \cdot p(r \mid s, a) \cdot [r + \gamma V(s')] & \text{(Bayes Theorem)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A}\sum_{s' \in S}\sum_{r \in \mathbb{R}}p(s' \mid s, a, r) \cdot p(r \mid s) \cdot [r + \gamma V(s')] & \text{(Remark #3)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A}\sum_{s' \in S}\sum_{r \in \mathbb{R}}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot p(r \mid s) \cdot [r + \gamma V(s')] & \text{(Remark #4)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A}\sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot [R(s) + \gamma V(s')] & \text{(Remark #3.1)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A} \left[ \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot R(s) + \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot \gamma V(s')\right] & \text{(law of distribution)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A} \left[ R(s) \cdot \sum_{s' \in S} p(s' \mid s, a) + \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot \gamma V(s')\right] & \text{(Pull out } R(s) \text{)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A} \left[ R(s) \cdot (1) + \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot \gamma V(s')\right] & \text{(A law of probabilities)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A} \left[ R(s) + \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot \gamma V(s')\right] & \text{(Simplification)} \\
&\leftarrow \max_{a \in A} R(s) + \max_{a \in A} \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot \gamma V(s') & \text{(max{a + b} = max{a} + max{b})} \\
&\leftarrow R(s) + \max_{a \in A} \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot \gamma V(s') & \text{(}R(s) \text{ is not dependent on } a \text{)}\\
V(s) &\leftarrow R(s) + \max_{a \in A} \gamma \sum_{s' \in S}p(s' \mid s, a) \cdot V(s') & \text{(Pull out } \gamma \text{)}\\
which is the second formula.