I'm trying to model the placement of nuclear stress in 10-word turns in a linear mixed model but am very new to mixed modeling. The model includes these variables:
, the binary response variable; the 10-word turns have been selected in such a way that only 1 word carries the nuclear stressINFMX
, a binary explanatory variable denoting whether a word carries the maximum informativity (i.e., 'surprisal' given the preceding word)CLASS
, an explanatory variable with three levels: function word, interjection, or content wordPOST
, an explanatory variable denoting whether the nuclear stress occurs early in the turn (words 1-3), in mid-turn position (words 4-6), or late in the turn (words 7-10)STRCT
, an explanatory variable denoting whether the nuclear stress falls on a word inside what is called the turn constructional unit (TCU) or notSPKR
, a random factor referring to speaker IDs, andSEQU
, another random factor referring each word to its place in the sequence of exactly 10 words, considered random because only 10-word turns are examined here, not turns of other lengths
Here's some reproducible data:
df <- data.frame(
SPKR = c(rep("A", 10), rep("B", 10), rep("C", 10)),
SEQU = rep(1:10, 3),
STRSS = rep(c(rep("notS", 8), "S", "notS"), 3),
INFMX = rep(c(rep("notMax", 8), "priorMax", "Max"), 3),
CLASS = rep(c(rep("fnc", 3), rep("itj", 1), rep("cnt", 6)), 3),
POST = rep(c(rep("earl", 3), rep("mid", 3), rep("lte", 4)), 3),
STRCT = rep(c(rep("notTCU", 2), rep("TCU", 6), rep("notTCU", 2)), 3)
1 A 1 notS notMax fnc earl notTCU
2 A 2 notS notMax fnc earl notTCU
3 A 3 notS notMax fnc earl TCU
4 A 4 notS notMax itj mid TCU
5 A 5 notS notMax cnt mid TCU
6 A 6 notS notMax cnt mid TCU
7 A 7 notS notMax cnt lte TCU
8 A 8 notS notMax cnt lte TCU
9 A 9 S priorMax cnt lte notTCU
10 A 10 notS Max cnt lte notTCU
11 B 1 notS notMax fnc earl notTCU
12 B 2 notS notMax fnc earl notTCU
13 B 3 notS notMax fnc earl TCU
14 B 4 notS notMax itj mid TCU
15 B 5 notS notMax cnt mid TCU
16 B 6 notS notMax cnt mid TCU
17 B 7 notS notMax cnt lte TCU
18 B 8 notS notMax cnt lte TCU
19 B 9 S priorMax cnt lte notTCU
20 B 10 notS Max cnt lte notTCU
21 C 1 notS notMax fnc earl notTCU
22 C 2 notS notMax fnc earl notTCU
23 C 3 notS notMax fnc earl TCU
24 C 4 notS notMax itj mid TCU
25 C 5 notS notMax cnt mid TCU
26 C 6 notS notMax cnt mid TCU
27 C 7 notS notMax cnt lte TCU
28 C 8 notS notMax cnt lte TCU
29 C 9 S priorMax cnt lte notTCU
30 C 10 notS Max cnt lte notTCU
My hypothesis is that a word will carry nuclear stress (i.e., df$STRSS=="S"
) if
, i.e., the word with the greatest informativity immediately follows the word with the nuclear stressdf$CLASS=="cnt"
, i.e., the word is a content worddf$STRCT=="notTCU"
, i.e., the word lies inside the TCUdf$POST=="lte"
, i.e., the word occurs late in the turn
Given that the response variable is binary, I've tried a generalized mixed model so far, using library("mlmRev")
model1 <- glmer(STRSS ~ (INFMX + CLASS + POST + STRCT)^2 +
(1 | SPKR) + (1 | SEQU), data = df, family = binomial(link = "logit"), nAGQ = 1)
The problems I'd appreciate help with are the following:
- Is this the right approach? I.e., is this, at least in principle, the right model?
The model call produces some unpleasant information--what to make of it?
fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 19 columns /coefficients Warning messages: 1: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : unable to evaluate scaled gradient 2: In checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : Hessian is numerically singular: parameters are not uniquely determined
And finally, how to read the output of the model summary?
summary(model1) Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ['glmerMod'] Family: binomial ( logit ) Formula: STRSS ~ (INFMX + CLASS + POST + STRCT)^2 + (1 | SPKR) + (1 | SEQU) Data: df AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid 18.0 30.6 0.0 0.0 21 Scaled residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.49e-08 1.49e-08 1.49e-08 1.49e-08 1.49e-08 Random effects: Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. SEQU (Intercept) 0.83102 0.9116 SPKR (Intercept) 0.05073 0.2252 Number of obs: 30, groups: SEQU, 10; SPKR, 3 Fixed effects: Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) (Intercept) 3.972e+01 7.249e+07 0 1 INFMXnotMax -4.107e-01 6.711e+07 0 1 INFMXpriorMax -7.929e+01 5.479e+07 0 1 CLASSfnc 3.565e-05 4.745e+07 0 1 CLASSitj 1.581e-06 4.745e+07 0 1 POSTlte 1.847e-05 3.875e+07 0 1 STRCTnotTCU -1.472e-05 4.745e+07 0 1 Correlation of Fixed Effects: (Intr) INFMXnM INFMXpM CLASSf CLASSt POSTlt INFMXnotMax -0.926 INFMXprirMx -0.378 0.408 CLASSfnc 0.218 -0.471 0.000 CLASSitj -0.218 0.000 0.000 0.333 POSTlte -0.535 0.289 0.000 0.408 0.408 STRCTnotTCU -0.655 0.707 0.000 -0.667 0.000 0.000 fit warnings: fixed-effect model matrix is rank deficient so dropping 19 columns / coefficients convergence code: 0 unable to evaluate scaled gradient Hessian is numerically singular: parameters are not uniquely determined Warning messages: 1: In vcov.merMod(object, use.hessian = use.hessian) : variance-covariance matrix computed from finite-difference Hessian is not positive definite or contains NA values: falling back to var-cov estimated from RX 2: In vcov.merMod(object, correlation = correlation, sigm = sig) : variance-covariance matrix computed from finite-difference Hessian is not positive definite or contains NA values: falling back to var-cov estimated from RX
Helpful pointers are appreciated all the more!