I am dealing with a dataset that contains demographic covariates (constant across time) and dummy variables for subjects for six repeated measures in wide format. I.e. a row represents a single measurement for a single subject.
The pattern of missed measurements by subject is random and no more than 5% of all observations are missing. Here, in case a subject misses a single measurement, all but the demographic covariates will be missing.
In my case the number of dummy variables far outnumbers the number of demographic covariates (~500:5) and there is high variability in the five demographic variables.
Imputation of the missing values in the first iteration will be performed according to five covariates that have high variability across the sample. Is the R package mice
, Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations, suitable to fill in such missing values?
I do not want to use Values With Last Observation Carried Forward NA.LOCF
, as this will likely lead to bias in my sample.