If the odds ratio is homogeneous in each of the strata, the conditional logistic regression model is asymptotically equivalent to the Cochrane Mantel Haenszel statistic where
$$\widehat{cOR} = \sum_{i=1}^K R_i / \sum_{i=1}^K S_i = \left( \sum_{i=1}^{K} \frac{a_i d_i}{N_i} \right) / \left( \sum_{i=1}^{K}\frac{b_i c_i}{N_i} \right)$$
where $a_i$ is the number of exposed cases and $d_i$ the number of unexposed controls (concordant observations) in the $i$-th stratum and $b_i$, $c_i$ the discordant observations respectively.
The variance due to Fleiss is asymptotically correct:
let $W_i$ be the precision (inverse variance) of the log of the $i$-th stratum specific odds ratio:
$$W_i = (a_i ^{-1} + b_i^{-1} + c_i ^{-1} + d_i^{-1})^{-1}$$
$$ var (\widehat{cOR}) = \widehat{cOR}^2 \left( \frac{\sum_{i=1}^K S_i^2 / W_i }{(\sum_{i=1}^K S_i)^2}\right)$$
or the normal approximation to the log-cOR has variance
$$ var (\log \widehat{cOR}) = \left( \frac{\sum_{i=1}^K S_i^2 / W_i }{(\sum_{i=1}^K S_i)^2}\right)$$
So you can calculate critical values and probabilities under various alternatives using either simulation or numeric integration. Ideally compare the two.
The general expression in terms of the prevalence of the outcome, the number of strata, or a possible imbalance in the number of cases is reflective of the general type(s) of designs that can be applied in this scenario and/or the population frequency of these traits/outcomes. Be explicit in spelling out the strategies in sampling.