You are right about the test of homogeneity. (I am a little surprised it's not significant, but that's just an argument for actually doing the test instead of trying to guess.) My results from Minitab 17
are as follows:
Chi-Square Test for Association: Result, Day
Rows: Result Columns: Day
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 All
Pass 3300 6360 1050 483 68 11261
3320.4 6356.3 1043.6 474.3 66.4
Fail 200 340 50 17 2 609
179.6 343.7 56.4 25.7 3.6
All 3500 6700 1100 500 70 11870
Cell Contents: Count
Expected count
Pearson Chi-Square = 7.087, DF = 4, P-Value = 0.131
Likelihood Ratio Chi-Square = 7.566, DF = 4, P-Value = 0.109
* NOTE * 1 cell with expected count less than 5
[While there is no technical difficulty running the test with such different sample sizes, it is
worthwhile noting that the power of the test (ability to detect if a null
hypothesis is false) tends to depend heavily on the size of the smaller sample. Here the small sample size for Day 5 has also led to a small expected cell count for 'Fail on Day 5'. Ordinarily, one such small count out of 10, still above 3, would not be taken to invalidate the approximation of the test statistic to the chi-squared distribution.]
Also, if I do a test to compare Day 1 with Day 5, I don't get a significant result, perhaps because of the relatively small sample for Day 5.
Test and CI for Two Proportions
Sample X N Sample p
1 200 3500 0.057143
2 2 70 0.028571
Difference = p (1) - p (2)
Estimate for difference: 0.0285714
95% CI for difference: (-0.0112064, 0.0683493)
Test for difference = 0 (vs ≠ 0): Z = 1.41 P-Value = 0.159
* NOTE * The normal approximation may be inaccurate for small samples.
Fisher’s exact test: P-Value = 0.435
However, if I do a test to compare Days 1 and 4, I get a result
significant at the 1% level (with normal approximation, or 3% level
with Fisher's Exact test):
Test and CI for Two Proportions
Sample X N Sample p
1 200 3500 0.057143
2 17 500 0.034000
Difference = p (1) - p (2)
Estimate for difference: 0.0231429
95% CI for difference: (0.00549430, 0.0407914)
Test for difference = 0 (vs ≠ 0): Z = 2.57 P-Value = 0.010
Fisher’s exact test: P-Value = 0.034
Finally, if I compare the first three days with the last 2, I get a significant result.
Test and CI for Two Proportions
Sample X N Sample p
1 570 10710 0.053221
2 19 531 0.035782
Difference = p (1) - p (2)
Estimate for difference: 0.0174397
95% CI for difference: (0.00107916, 0.0338003)
Test for difference = 0 (vs ≠ 0): Z = 2.09 P-Value = 0.037
Fisher’s exact test: P-Value = 0.089
Notice that we have several tests now. It would
have been best to decide at the start (before seeing data) which test we would rely on to the give the most accurate view of the results.
If I were to show the test just above (First three vs. Last 2) in a report of findings, I would feel obligated to mention in a brief footnote which other tests did not give significant results. And, perhaps mentioning the Fisher P-value, I would claim a 'suggestive' finding rather than a 'convincing' one.