I will elaborate on Xi'an's response.
Metropolis-Adjusted Langevin Algorithm, as its name implies, is based on the Langevin diffusion that is represented by the following stochastic differential equation (SDE):
$ d X_t = - \nabla f(X_t) dt + \sqrt{2} d B_t $,
where $B_t$ is the standard Brownian motion and the target density $\pi(x) = \exp(-f(x)) / Z$ for some $Z>0$. One can show that, under arguably mild assumptions, the solution process to this SDE, i.e. $(X_t)_{t \geq 0}$ which solves the above equation is a Markov process and admits a unique stationary distribution, which is indeed $\pi$. Under some more assumptions, we can show that $(X_t)_t$ is ergodic with $\pi$.
This means that, if we could exactly simulate the process $(X_t)_t$, the distribution of $X_t$ would converge to $\pi$, therefore, we could use the trajectories for approximating expectations with respect to $\pi$ for instance. But the issue is that we cannot simulate this process exactly (in general) since it's a continuous-time process. Then, the idea in MALA is to discretize this process by using a first-order scheme (namely the Euler-Maruyama discretization), which gives the following recursion:
$X_{n+1} = X_n - h \nabla f(X_n) + \sqrt{2h} N_{n+1}$,
where $N_{n}$ is a standard Gaussian random variable. In other words, we can view $X_{n+1}$ as a random variable that is drawn from the following distribution:
$\mathcal{N}(X_n - h \nabla f(X_n), 2h \mathbf{I})$,
where $\mathbf{I}$ denotes the identity matrix of appropriate size. However, due to discretization, this process does not target $\pi$ anymore, therefore a Metropolis-Hastings acceptance-rejection step is appended to this procedure to remove the discretization error (hence the name Metropolis 'adjusted'). This is the reason why a Gaussian proposal is used in MALA. More information can be found in the following paper, which is the standard reference for MALA:
Roberts, G. O., & Tweedie, R. L. (1996). Exponential convergence of Langevin distributions and their discrete approximations. Bernoulli, 2(4), 341-363.
On the other hand, you are not restricted to Gaussian proposals. It has been shown that heavy-tailed proposals can have their own benefits, such as
JARNER, S., & ROBERTS, G. (2007). Convergence of Heavy-tailed Monte Carlo Markov Chain Algorithms. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 34(4), 781-815.
Şimsekli, U. (2017, August). Fractional Langevin Monte Carlo: Exploring Lévy driven stochastic differential equations for Markov Chain Monte Carlo. In Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Machine Learning-Volume 70 (pp. 3200-3209).
The latter doesn't have a Metropolis correction step, but still related.