
I want to fit a model with 5 levels. All levels are hierarchical. That is, level 5 is nested in level 4, level4 is nested in level 3, etc. level 2 is nested in level 1. All levels are factors.

Single level and two level models are working well:

model1 <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | level1), data=data)
model2 <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | level1/level2), data=data)

I wish to fit a model including all levels. What is the appropriate syntax for lmer?

My ideas so far:

model3 <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | level1 / level2 / level3 / level4 / level5), data=data)
model4 <- lmer(y ~ 1 + (1 | level1 / level2) + (1 | level2 / level3) + (1 | level3 / level4)+ (1 | level4 / level5) 

model3 produced this error:

Error: couldn't evaluate grouping factor level5:(level4:(level3:(level2:level1))) within model frame: try adding grouping factor to data frame explicitly if possible

which I can not interpret.

Can you guys hellp me out here?


2 Answers 2


You could manually create the nested grouping variable through combinations of the five categorical variables. That's what lmer does anyway.


See here for an example that might help:



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