Perhaps you might want to read up on diversity indices. Perhaps you've heard of the Gini index, which quantifies income inequality, or what economists know as the Hirschman-Herfindahl index to quantify market concentration (the concept appears to have been discovered first by Edward Simpson, and it's called the Simpson index in ecology). A higher Herfindahl index means more market concentration, i.e. you have one firm with most of the market share.
Or, for those of us who are familiar with latent class analysis, many of us have heard of (Shannon) entropy, which we use to describe how well-separated are the latent classes.
Example for individuals as the unit of observation
I'll give an example using normalized Shannon entropy (note: link to free article at the American Psychological Association) because I'm most familiar with it. Entropy (not normalized!) for each unit of analysis (e.g. each salesperson, or each metropolitan area, etc) is given by the formula:
$E = -\sum^C_{i=1}p_i \ln p_i$
Above, $C$ indexes the number of categories of items (or latent classes, racial groups, etc). Assume that $\ln 0 = 0$.
Imagine Mrs. Chen, a very specialized salesperson, sells only item D, i.e. (0, 0, 0, 1). Her entropy is 0 under this calculation.
Now, imagine Mrs. Huang, who sells all items in equal proportion, i.e. (0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25). Her value of entropy is $-4 \times 0.25 \times \ln 0.25 = 1.3863\ $, i.e. she has the maximum possible value of entropy given that you have 4 types of items to sell. You might want to normalize entropy by dividing by the maximum possible value of entropy, which is $\ln C$. Here, $\ln C = \ln 4 = 1.3863$, so Mrs. Huang's normalized entropy is 1.
Example for groups of observations or samples
In latent class analysis, we would normally calculate the normalized entropy over all observations,
$E = 1 + \frac{1}{N \ln C}\sum^N\sum^C_{i=1}p_i \ln p_i$
(Note: this is from the first formula in the link above, with notation modified to be consistent with the rest of the answer)
So, the above formula should tell you how much the entire salesforce is specialized in each year. Remember, if all individual salespeople have the exact 1950 proportion of sales, then you have one value of entropy, but you could have a situation where 50% of the salesforce was selling only product D, 20% were selling only A, etc. That would still be a pretty specialized salesforce, and you'd see that in the entropy value.
As illustrated in Budescu and Budescu (first link), the Simpson/Herfindahl index, which they call generalized variance (GV), should perform equivalently to entropy. The calculation is a bit simpler, but either should be easy enough to do. If you're in Stata, install the entropyetc
package from SSC (Nick Cox, who contributes here frequently, is the author). There have to be R packages that do this also, but I can't be bothered to search for a specific one.