OK, interesting question. There is probably an easier way to do this, but here is a fairly simple way to go about this.
Let's assume you have 100 users, each of which may have multiple sessions. We're really interested in the difference in MCC between models. The difference in MCC is not really important, we maybe want evidence that one is superior to another.
If both models are used to predict on the same data, we can take the difference in MCCs. The difference is between -1 and 1, but we can rescale this to be between 0 and 1 using a min/max scaler.
Now, we need to run an appropriate regression. Since the data are bounded by the unit interval, a beta regression might work. The regression has no covariates, just an intercept, and we are interested in testing the null that the intercept is 0 because this is equivalent to testing if the rescaled difference is 0.5 (e.g. the expected difference in MCC is 0).
Here is an example in R. I've simulated some sessions for 100 users. Each user has a different number of sessions. The predictions between the two models are also simulated by making the outcomes correlated with the truth. Model A has a correlation of 0.5 with the truth, and model B has a correlation of 0.75 with the truth. This means that model B has the superior MCC in truth. Let's take a look at the data.
users true_outcome predicted_outcome_a predicted_outcome_b
<int> <int> <int> <int>
1 1 0 0 0
2 1 1 0 0
3 1 0 0 1
4 2 1 1 1
5 2 0 0 0
6 2 0 0 0
7 3 0 1 0
8 3 0 0 0
9 3 0 0 0
10 4 1 0 1
Here, each row is a session, and the sessions are considered iid conditional on users. I’ve just shown a sample for each user. In reality, we may have more observations per user, and each user may have a different number of observations. This is just intended to give you an idea of
how the data is structured.
We can summarize this data by computing the MCC for each user as follows
users mcc_a mcc_b N
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1 0.342 0.451 32
2 2 1 0.667 10
3 3 0.557 0.823 47
4 4 0.345 0.6 36
5 5 0.580 0.861 50
6 6 0.690 0.777 44
7 7 0.349 0.535 45
8 8 0.473 0.804 59
9 9 0.686 0.750 62
10 10 0.785 0.908 32
Keeping the number of sessions is important since those should contribute more to the likelihood. Let's take the difference and put this in a column called delta
. Now, we can run a regression by doing...
betareg(delta ~ 1, data=md, weights = N) %>%
betareg(formula = delta ~ 1, data = md, weights = N)
Standardized weighted residuals 2:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-10.9961 -3.8136 0.2949 2.9278 29.8707
Coefficients (mean model with logit link):
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -0.464651 0.007456 -62.32 <2e-16 ***
Phi coefficients (precision model with identity link):
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(phi) 19.4514 0.4413 44.08 <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Type of estimator: ML (maximum likelihood)
Log-likelihood: 3023 on 2 Df
Number of iterations: 10 (BFGS) + 2 (Fisher scoring)
As you can see, we reject the null for the intercept parameter, and the intercept is negative. Since the difference was MCC_a - MCC_b, this implies MCC_b was larger, which is correct.
I'm sure there is a simpler way to assess your model, but this is what I've thought up. Depending on how big the MCCs are, you could probably just get away with NOT doing a beta regression and instead doing a paired t-test. All depends on the context.
users <- 1:100
sessions <- sample(10:64, size=length(users), replace=T)
p <- rbeta(length(users), 30, 80)
) %>%
uncount(sessions) %>%
true_outcome = rbinom(n(), 1, p[users]),
predicted_outcome_a = rbinom(
true_outcome * (p[users] + 0.5*(1-p[users])) + (1-true_outcome) * (p[users]*(1-0.5))
predicted_outcome_b = rbinom(
true_outcome * (p[users] + 0.75*(1-p[users])) + (1-true_outcome) * (p[users]*(1-0.75))
md<-d %>%
group_by(users) %>%
mutate_at(vars(true_outcome:predicted_outcome_b), factor) %>%
group_by(users) %>%
mcc_a = mcc_vec(true_outcome, predicted_outcome_a),
mcc_b = mcc_vec(true_outcome, predicted_outcome_b),
N = n()
) %>%
mutate(delta =((mcc_a - mcc_b) + 1)/2)
md %>%
betareg(delta ~ 1, data=md, weights = N) %>%