For my Strategy that I'm using is doing the cross validation on medical information from 10 patient. So what I am doing is split 1 subject to be validation set and 8 subjects are training sets. And I've implement this problem on gridsearchCV. But the problem is i don't want to perform n-fold cross validation given by gridsearchCV. And i have store my data from into an array
in this pattern : [subject1_dataframe, subject2_dataframe, ..., subject10_dataframe]
And I want to use GridSearchCV to perform the validation by splitting the training set and validation set automatically. What i've try is "PredefinedSplit" that can split by using index but my next problem is my dataset store in array following the above pattern. And gridsearchCV cannot work with this pattern.
Any suggestion to solve this problem?
Is there another ways to optimized the parameters like gridsearchCV and can specific the validation set by myself?
Thank you