It is essentially the definition of a multivariate normal distribution that the logarithm of its density is a quadratic function of the variables. Thus, all we need do is regress $\log(y)$ on the $x_i, x_i^2,$ and $x_ix_j$ and compute $\mu$ and $\Sigma$ from the parameter estimates.
The quadratic coefficients in the regression are the coefficients of
$$-\frac{1}{2}x^\prime \Sigma^{-1} x.$$
Thus, if we form the matrix of these coefficients, multiply it by -2, and invert that, we will have $\Sigma.$ Since the linear coefficients $\beta$ are those of
$$\mu^\prime \Sigma^{-1}x,$$
we need only solve
$$\Sigma^{-1}\mu = \beta$$
to find $\mu.$
If some values of $y$ are recorded as zeros, you may either ignore them or you could use censored regression methods.
To illustrate, here is commented R
code showing an implementation, including generation of random data in a data frame X
, least-squares fitting of the parameters, and testing the method by comparing its output to the known parameters used in the data-generation process. It is coded to work with $d$-dimensional data where $d\ge 1.$ (Don't try it in more than about $d=50$ dimensions unless you have appreciable computing power!)
# Compute the multivariate normal log density.
logmvdnorm <- function(x, mu, sigma) {
d <- length(mu)
y <- t(x) - mu
z <- solve(sigma, y)
(colSums(matrix(z*y, nrow=d)) + log(2*pi)*d + c(determinant(sigma, TRUE)$modulus))/(-2)
# Specify the data.
d <- 2 # Dimensions
n <- d*(d+3)/2 + 1 # Data points
# Obtain a random multivariate Normal distribution.
Q <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(d^2), d)))
rho <- rexp(d, rate=3)
sigma <- crossprod(Q, diag(rho, d, d)%*%Q)
mu <- rnorm(d)
# Generate data points.
vars <- paste0("x.", 1:d)
X <-*n, -1, 1), ncol=d, dimnames=list(NULL, vars)))
X$y <- logmvdnorm(X, mu, sigma) # These already are the *logarithms* of the density
# Fit a density to the data.
# Begin by constructing the formula for a quadratic fit.
d <- length(mu) # Dimension
vars <- paste0("x.", 1:d)
vars2 <- outer(vars, vars, paste, sep="*")
s <- c("1", vars, paste0("I(", vars2[!lower.tri(vars2)], ")"))
f <- as.formula(paste("y ~", paste(s, collapse="+")))
# Estimate the parameters using ordinary least squares.
fit <- lm(f, subset(X, !
# Convert the parameter estimates into mean and covariance.
xform <- function(beta) {
# Format the coefficients appropriately.
k <- length(beta)
d <- round((sqrt(1+8*k)-3)/2)
Sigma.m1 <- matrix(0, d, d)
Sigma.m1[!lower.tri(Sigma.m1)] <- -beta[-(1:(d+1))]
Sigma.m1 <- Sigma.m1 + t(Sigma.m1)
# Do the calculations.
Sigma <- solve(Sigma.m1)
mu <- solve(Sigma.m1, beta[1:d+1])
return(list(mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma))
parameters <- xform(coef(fit))
# Check the result.
all.equal(parameters$mu, mu)
all.equal(parameters$Sigma, sigma)