I am referring to the book "Pattern recognition and machine learning" book by Bishop. Equation 2.104 states that the precision matrix for the joint distribution is
$ \begin{equation} R = \left(\begin{array}{cc} \Lambda+A^TLA & -A^TL\\ -LA & L \end{array}\right) \end{equation} $
and the mean of the joint distribution is
$ \begin{equation} E[z] = \left(\begin{array}{cc} \mu\\ A\mu+b\end{array}\right) \end{equation} $
For conditional Gaussian distributions equation 2.75 states that
$ \mu_{a|b} = \mu_{a} - \Lambda_{aa}^{-1}\Lambda_{ab}(x_{b} - \mu_{b}) $
From the equation for R
$ \Lambda_{aa}^{-1} = (\Lambda+A^TLA)^{-1} $
$ \Lambda_{ab} = -A^TL $
$ \mu_{a} = mu $
and $ \mu_{b} = -A\mu + b $
Substituting in expression for $\mu_{a|b}$ I get
$ E[x|y] = \mu + (\Lambda+A^TLA)^{-1}(A^TL)(y - (A\mu + b)) $ But this expression is different from what is concluded in equation 2.111 which is
$ E[x|y] = (\Lambda+A^TLA)^{-1} [A^TL(y - b) + \Lambda\mu] $
How do I reconcile what I got above and what equation 2.111 reproduced above gives?