Suppose we have a random variable $Y$ with an unknown distribution $P$. We model it with a distribution $Q$. We are asked to make a point forecast under some type of loss $L$. We choose the loss minimizing $\hat y=\arg\min_y\int L(s-y) dQ(s)$ as our forecast. I am interested in the quantity
- $\int L(s-\hat y) dP(s)$ which is the expected loss of this point forecast w.r.t. the true distribution of $Y$
and to a lesser extent in
- $\int L(s-\hat y) dQ(s)$ which is the expected loss of this point forecast w.r.t. our model.
Question: Does any of these quantities have a name and do they play a role in any of the major decision theoretic frameworks?
I would like to learn more about their roles and intepretations; connections to economic literature are welcome.
(More generally, I am interested in decision making under uncertainty when $P$ and $Q$ do not coincide and am looking for theory/theories that account(s) for this in detail. References are welcome.)