I'm getting conflicting results from a Causal Impact analysis I'm running. The 95% C.I. indicates that 0 is included and thus the impact is not significant; however the Posterior Probability is <.05, so the impact is significant. Results are below:
Average Cumulative
Actual 107 1284
Prediction (s.d.) 99 (5) 1183 (60)
95% CI [89, 109] [1068, 1304]
Absolute effect (s.d.) 8.4 (5) 100.9 (60)
95% CI [-1.7, 18] [-19.8, 216]
Relative effect (s.d.) 8.5% (5.1%) 8.5% (5.1%)
95% CI [-1.7%, 18%] [-1.7%, 18%]
Posterior tail-area probability p: 0.04343
Posterior prob. of a causal effect: 95.657%
Any ideas how I should interpret this?