I am currently writing my master's thesis. To analyse the results of my survey, I conducted an ordered logistic regression using Stata. My outcome variable is whether someone wants to start a business in the future coded as followed: 1 = Definitely not, 2= Probably not, 3= Maybe, 4=Probably 5=Definitely. My first independent variable is whether someone is an Austrian coded as 0 or an immigrant coded as 1. I first ran a regression only using this IV. These are the results:
austrian0immigrant1 Odds Ratio = 2.56 p-value = 0.000
However, also want to figure out why differences between Austrian and immigrants exist therefore I tested for four entrepreneurial characteristics, which I then also included as continuous independent variables into the regression:
Austrian/Immigrant: Odds Ratio = 2.5 p-value = 0.000
Risk Tolerance Odds Ratio = 1.03 p-value = 0.458
Need for Autonomy Odds Ratio = 1.55 p-value = 0.010
Passion for Inventing Odds Ratio = 1.47 p-value = 0.001
Need for Achievement Odds Ratio = 1.06 p-value = 0.372
I interpreted the results as followed:
The results of the ordered logistic regression prove that immigrants are more likely than Austrians to want to start their own business. The odds for immigrants to possess an intention to become an entrepreneur are 2.56 times higher than the odds for Austrians. After the inclusion of entrepreneurial characteristics into the model, the differences between Austrians and immigrants regarding the likelihood to possess an entrepreneurial intention persist. Nevertheless, instead of being 2.56 times higher, the odds for immigrants to have an entrepreneurial intention in this model are 2.5 greater than the odds for Austrians. However, as already assumed before, risk tolerance and need for achievement do not have a statistically significant influence on the intention to start a business. Nevertheless, the results of the regression prove that statistically significant relationships between entrepreneurial intention and need for autonomy and between entrepreneurial intention and passion for inventing exist. The odds of possessing an intention to become an entrepreneur are 1.55 times greater if need for autonomy increases by one unit. Likewise, if passion for inventing increases by on unit, the odds of wanting to start a business are 1.47 times greater. This indicates that need for autonomy and passion for inventing at least partly explain why immigrants are more likely to want to become an entrepreneur.
Now I wanted to make sure, whether my interpretation is right or if I made any mistakes or if there is anything relevant missing?
Thank you so much in advance.