I'm looking for a good metric to compare binary classification methods for a task where
- The data is highly imbalanced.
- The approximate data imbalance is unknown.
There are certainly more than 100 negative examples for every positive one. However, how much more is unknown. It may be 1:1000 or 1:100000 or more.
In this situation, precision doesn't seem to make sense to use as a metric, because we don't know what the real imbalance is and precision will change depending on that ratio. ROC values (true positive rate and false positive rate) have a real meaning regardless of the ratio. However, the AUROC is very close to 1 and the ROC curve approaches looking like a 90 degree corner. Comparing an AUROC of 0.999 and 0.9999 isn't very intuitive.
Is there a metric for such a situation that allows for an intuitive comparison between different models?