Let’s assume the usual nice properties we assume for linear regression parameter inference. The t-test of parameter $\beta_p$ is equivalent to F-testing the full model against the model with $\beta_p$ omitted. Let's do a simulation where that $\beta_p$ corresponds to an indicator variable of group membership: control (0) versus treatment (1). The full model has one continuous variable, $X_1$, and then the binary group membership variable, $X_2$.
N <- 1000
beta <- c(1,-0.2,0.01)
err <- rnorm(N,0,0.1)
x1 <- rnorm(N)
x2 <- rbinom(N,1,0.5)
X <- cbind(1,x1,x2)
y <- X %*% beta + err
L_full <- lm(y~x1+x2)
# Now let's build a reduced model that excludes x2
L_reduced <- lm(y~x1)
# Now let's find the F-stat for the full model against the reduced model
sse0 <- sum(resid(L_reduced)^2)
sse1 <- sum(resid(L_full)^2)
p0 <- dim(summary(L_reduced)$coefficients)[1]
p1 <- dim(summary(L_full)$coefficients)[1]
F <- ((sse0-sse1)/(p1-p0)) / ((sse1)/(N-p1))
# Print the F-stat
# Print the squared t-stat for x2 in the full model
# print the p-value from the F-test
# print the p-value from the t-test of x2 on the full model
# F = 10.40076
# t^2 = 10.40076
# p = 0.001300581 for the F-test on 1 and 997 degrees of freedom
# p = 0.001300581 for the regular printout from R's t-test of beta2 in the full model
As the last four lines show, the F-stat is equal to the squared t-stat, and, when the F-test has the appropriate degrees of freedom, both the F-test of full versus reduced and the t-test of $\beta_2$ give identical p-values.
The equation I use to calculate the F-stat comes from Agresti's Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models on page 89:
$$ F= \dfrac{(SSE_{reduced}-SSE_{full})/(p_{full}-p_{reduced})}{SSE_{full}/(N-p_{full})}
Agresti also gives the distribution under the null hypothesis that the reduced model holds (that is, the treatment is zero).
$$df_1 = p_{full}-p_{reduced}\\df_2 = N-p_{full}\\
F\sim F_{df_1,df_2}
$p_{full}$ and $p_{reduced}$ are the number of parameters (including the intercept, if it is estimated) in the full and reduced models, respectively, and $N$ is the sample size.
Summarizing this simulation, we see that t-testing a group indicator variable is equivalent to F-testing the full model with that indicator variable against a reduced model that excludes the group variable. Therefore, the t-test on the group variable is accounting for variability caused by group membership after accounting for other sources of variability. Graphically, this can be visualized as parallel regression lines for each group, where the parameter on the group variable describes the distance (in the $y$ direction) between the groups after accounting for the other sources of variability.
Agresti, Alan. Foundations of Linear and Generalized Linear Models. Wiley, 2015.