I'm trying to understand the philosophy behind using a Generalized Linear Model (GLM) vs a Linear Model (LM). I've created an example data set below where:
$$\log(y) = x + \varepsilon $$
The example does not have the error $\varepsilon$ as a function of the magnitude of $y$, so I would assume that a linear model of the log-transformed y would be the best. In the example below, this is indeed the case (I think) - since the AIC of the LM on the log-transformed data is lowest. The AIC of the Gamma distribution GLM with a log-link function has a lower sum of squares (SS), but the additional degrees of freedom result in a slightly higher AIC. I was surprised that the Gaussian distribution AIC is so much higher (even though the SS is the lowest of the models).
I am hoping to get some advice on when one should approach GLM models - i.e. is there something I should look for in my LM model fit residuals to tell me that another distribution is more appropriate? Also, how should one proceed in selecting an appropriate distribution family.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
[EDIT]: I have now adjusted the summary statistics so that the SS of the log-transformed linear model is comparable to the GLM models with the log-link function. A graph of the statistics is now shown.
n <- 1000
y <- rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
y <- exp(y)
hist(y, n=20)
hist(log(y), n=20)
x <- log(y) - rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
hist(x, n=20)
df <- data.frame(y=y, x=x)
df2 <- data.frame(x=seq(from=min(df$x), to=max(df$x),,100))
mod.name <- "LM"
assign(mod.name, lm(y ~ x, df))
plot(y ~ x, df)
lines(predict(get(mod.name), newdata=df2) ~ df2$x, col=2)
mod.name <- "LOG.LM"
assign(mod.name, lm(log(y) ~ x, df))
plot(y ~ x, df)
lines(exp(predict(get(mod.name), newdata=df2)) ~ df2$x, col=2)
mod.name <- "LOG.GAUSS.GLM"
assign(mod.name, glm(y ~ x, df, family=gaussian(link="log")))
plot(y ~ x, df)
lines(predict(get(mod.name), newdata=df2, type="response") ~ df2$x, col=2)
mod.name <- "LOG.GAMMA.GLM"
assign(mod.name, glm(y ~ x, df, family=Gamma(link="log")))
plot(y ~ x, df)
lines(predict(get(mod.name), newdata=df2, type="response") ~ df2$x, col=2)
model.names <- list("LM", "LOG.LM", "LOG.GAUSS.GLM", "LOG.GAMMA.GLM")
plot(y ~ x, df, log="y", pch=".", cex=3, col=8)
lines(predict(LM, newdata=df2) ~ df2$x, col=1, lwd=2)
lines(exp(predict(LOG.LM, newdata=df2)) ~ df2$x, col=2, lwd=2)
lines(predict(LOG.GAUSS.GLM, newdata=df2, type="response") ~ df2$x, col=3, lwd=2)
lines(predict(LOG.GAMMA.GLM, newdata=df2, type="response") ~ df2$x, col=4, lwd=2)
legend("topleft", legend=model.names, col=1:4, lwd=2, bty="n")
res.AIC <- as.matrix(
res.SS <- as.matrix(
LOG.GAUSS.GLM=sum((predict(LOG.GAUSS.GLM, type="response")-y)^2),
LOG.GAMMA.GLM=sum((predict(LOG.GAMMA.GLM, type="response")-y)^2)
res.RMS <- as.matrix(
LOG.GAUSS.GLM=sqrt(mean((predict(LOG.GAUSS.GLM, type="response")-y)^2)),
LOG.GAMMA.GLM=sqrt(mean((predict(LOG.GAMMA.GLM, type="response")-y)^2))
png("stats.png", height=7, width=10, units="in", res=300)
#x11(height=7, width=10)
par(mar=c(10,5,2,1), mfcol=c(1,3), cex=1, ps=12)
barplot(res.AIC, main="AIC", las=2)
barplot(res.SS, main="SS", las=2)
barplot(res.RMS, main="RMS", las=2)