I am a newbie in stats, and while reading: https://towardsdatascience.com/having-an-imbalanced-dataset-here-is-how-you-can-solve-it-1640568947eb
I don't seem to understand why is an imbalanced dataset wrong? And why should we rebalance…
I imagine this example: let’s say on a classification problem, for a very rare disease, where we have 1M rows for ‘no’ and only one row for ‘yes’.
My way of thinking is that, the dataset is unbalanced for a reason, (it’s a rare disease!) then wouldn’t balancing it remove that knowledge we have about it being rare?? I feel like by balancing we are discarding a very important piece of information…
(also I thought this was a vital piece of the bayesian world, 'the prior', aren't we removing the prior when we balance?)