I am trying to create a formula from the published glm()
model coefficients estimates, i.e. I don't have raw data to reproduce the model. Further, I want to apply this formula for my dataframe of predictors.
Formula predicts forest damage based on tree age, species, height, etc. . I know that family is binomial
with link-logit
function. The model contains quantitative and categorical variables, and interaction between two specific variables, in total 17!! of them. This post shows how to convert estimates into formula, but contains just two variables. How to make it more reusable if I have more of them?
Let's say these are coefficients that I need to reproduce (dummy example, generated by hand):
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -28.747 20.31805 -1.224 0.071
speciesspruce 14.916 14.99081 0.878 0.320
speciesother 5.642 8.43308 1.391 0.144
log(height) 2.940 5.13024 1.259 0.208
age6-10 8.639 4.24270 1.645 0.001
age>10 0.084 1.24922 0.067 0.096
speciesspruce:log(height) -5.074 3.57133 -0.860 0.090
speciesother:log(height) -6.05681 3.00345 -1.514 0.030
How can I efficiently, and correctly get working formula out of estimates, and apply it to predict my data?
I am very beginner in gml()
models, and the math behind seems pretty challenging. For example, simple linear regression formula seems pretty straightforward: y = alpha + beta*x
But, in my glm()
, it seems more complicated:
is log transformed (link=logit
),- reference class from categorical data is as pre-defined missing from output table (e.g. factor 'species' has three levels: 'pine, spruce, other' but in
estimates only 'speciesspruce', 'speciesother' are reported, but 'speciespine' is missing?) - how to correctly specify interaction between two factors, species and height?
Here is my working example with same variables names and same interactions as desired output. Idea behind was to later replace manually my dummy coefficents by the real ones, get from desired one. I guess this approach is not the most straighforward one and maybe you have some more efficient and proper solution?
Can I simply replace my dummy estimate by the real ones, as suggested by @dave2e? how to get estimates for missing categorical variables?
mod$coefficients<-c(-28.747, 14.916, 5.642, 2.940, 8.639, 0.084, -5.074, -6.05681)
I would like to use the REAL coefficient to predict new values from input data.frame
table using predict.glm(updatedModel, df)
. How can I accomplish this? I have updated my code as well
My dummy example:
row.num = 10
species <- factor(rep(c("pine", "spruce", "other"),
each = row.num),
levels = c("pine", "spruce", "other"))
height <- c(runif(row.num, min = 10, max = 200),
runif(row.num, min = 0, max = 100),
runif(row.num, min = 30, max = 150))
age <- factor(sample(c("0-5", "6-10", ">10"),
length(species), replace = TRUE),
levels = c("0-5", "6-10", ">10"))
damage <- rbinom(length(species), 1, 0.4)
# put data together
damage) # stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Create formula and specify interactions:
mod<- glm(formula = damage ~ species + log(height) +
age +
data = df,
family = binomial(link = "logit"))
glm(formula = damage ~ species + log(height) + age + log(height) *
species, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = df)
Deviance Residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-1.61759 -0.93763 -0.01525 0.83786 2.18666
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -18.74799 15.31805 -1.224 0.221
speciesspruce 14.91628 16.99081 0.878 0.380
speciesother 25.64298 18.43308 1.391 0.164
log(height) 3.94011 3.13024 1.259 0.208
age6-10 3.63905 2.21270 1.645 0.100
age>10 0.08413 1.24922 0.067 0.946
speciesspruce:log(height) -3.07414 3.57427 -0.860 0.390
speciesother:log(height) -6.05681 3.99977 -1.514 0.130
(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
Null deviance: 41.589 on 29 degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 29.140 on 22 degrees of freedom
AIC: 45.14
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
# EDIT 2
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Get fake model coefficients
# Create a new model to update the coefficients:
mod.real <- mod
# Manually create vector of REAL coefficients to update the parameters:
# create new data frame to predict values
mod$coefficients<-c(-28.747, 14.916, 5.642, 2.940, 8.639, 0.084, -5.074, -6.05681)
and then use the predict function to calculate the odds:predict(mod, df)
in a formula? Should I stransform they
from logaritms, or does thepredict(mod, df)
make it for me? $\endgroup$