I am working on a forecasting problem with hourly time-series data. Working on historical data I have deployed several models which take as input previous values e.g at time t-1,t-2,t-3... etc and forecast value at time t or t,t+1,t+2. So for every model I have tried so far it is necessary to provide as input the previous actual values.
My problem is that in a real case scenario, I have no knowledge of previous hourly data. If it helps, I get the actual values in batches every 4 months. So if I want to forecast value at time t or t+1, I would need values at times t-1,t-2,t-3, etc. which I don't have. The actual values I have are 3 or 4 months ago. So my model has no input.
So far I have tried recursive strategies i.e. use previous forecasted values as input but I get bad results because 3 or 4 months is a long period. Ideally, I would like to forecast 24 values (1-day) ahead. So my question is what strategy I could follow to solve that problem.
I have read about limited historical data problems, but that is not exactly my case, because I actually have historical data but I get that in batches every 3-4 months.
Any help is greatly appreciated