I'm comparing the effects of a single treatment on multiple response variables from a BACI study.
Most of my data are normally distributed, but I also have some proportion data (binomial) and count data (poisson). For example the proportion of fish displaying behavior X, before and after treatment.
Since all my variables are in different units... and since I want to show the relative effects of treatment on each variable.... I used the scale() function to center and scale my variables -- such that the coefficients in the models represent change in units of standard deviations for each variable.
This is fine with the normally distributed data. BUT... for the proportion data -- if I scale()... I end up with some negative values and also ranges great than +/- 1... since scale() subtracts the mean divides by the standard deviation.
For my normally distributed data I built linear mixed effects models (lme4) with in the form: lmer(Variable ~ Time* Location + (1|Site), data = data)
My understanding is that the interaction of “Time” (before or after impact) and “Location” (Control or Impact) would be significant “when change occurs at the impact sites but not the control sites” (e.g. Popescu et al., 2012 ; Smokorowski and Randal 2017).
For my proportion data I used glmer with binomial distributions... BUT after scaling I can't use a glmer with a binomial distribution, since the transformed data is now no longer a proportion between 0 and 1. But it is also still not normally distributed, so I can't use an lmer model.
I know there is something basic I am missing here... Is there anyway I can show the effect of a treatment on a response variable that is a proportion...in units of SD's?