I have to look for the affect of crater degradation, rim irregularity (RI), radii variation (RV), depth-diameter rati (Dd) and mantled rim percentage (MRP) on crater rim thermal inertia. 138 craters (ID) were analyzed which are nested within 18 scenes (Scenes). Thermal inertia values depends on the error associated with that individual scenes.
Also I have to look for the error between thermal inertia and rim irregularity based on repeat measurement, and vice versa.
To test correlation between TI and RI
M0 <- lmer(TI ~ RI + RV + Dd + MRP + (RI | Scene)
M1 <- lmer(TI ~ RV + Dd + MRP + (RI | Scene)
anova(M1, M0)
How to estimate the error between TI and RI, TI and RV, TI~Dd respectively?
I want to know if I am on the right track or not ?