A generalization uncovers a fundamental idea. One nice thing about it is how it circumvents calculation altogether: the Gamma functions don't play any role and, in fact, neither do the specific expressions for the Normal and Chi-squared pdfs.
Recall that the Student $t$ distribution with $\nu$ degrees of freedom originates (both historically, pedagogically, and from a basic statistical standpoint) as the ratio
$$t_\nu = \frac{Z}{\sqrt{S_\nu^2/\nu}}$$
where $Z$ has a standard Normal distribution and $S^2$ is a random variable independent of $Z$ with a $\chi^2(\nu)$ distribution. (This characterization suffices to derive the probability density function proportional to
$$f_\nu(t) \propto \left(1 + \frac{t^2}{\nu}\right)^{-(\nu+1)/2}$$
for $\nu \in \{1,2,3,\ldots\};$ this is then generalized by allowing $\nu$ to be any positive real number. However, we will not need this detail; I present it only to make an explicit connection with how the question is framed.)
Generalization Part 1
Let $Z$ instead be a random variable with any distribution. Later I will want to work with its logarithm, so for this purpose use the indicator function $\mathcal I$ to split $Z$ into its negative, zero, and positive parts:
$$Z = -\mathcal{I}(Z\lt 0)(-Z) + \mathcal{I}(Z=0)Z + \mathcal{I}(Z\gt 0)Z = -Z_{-} + Z_0 + Z_{+}.$$
The fraction $t_\nu$ analogously splits into three parts by dividing each term by $\sqrt{S_\nu^2/\nu}.$ The part with numerator $Z_0$ is identically $0$ and the other parts are expressed as ratios with strictly positive random variables $Z_{-}$ and $Z_{+}$ in their numerators. These are the ratios we need to analyze.
Generalization Part 2
Let us suppose $S_\nu^2$ is a sequence of positive random variables that, for sufficiently large $\nu,$ have finite variances $v^2_\nu$ and (therefore) have finite means $m_\nu$ such that
$$\lim_{\nu\to\infty} \frac{m_\nu}{\nu}=1$$
$$\lim_{\nu\to\infty} \frac{v^2_\nu}{\nu^2} = 0.$$
(Both are well-known, easily-established properties of Chi-squared distributions.) This is just a specific way of stipulating that $S_\nu^2$ tends to get more and more concentrated (relative to its location) around the value $\nu$ as $\nu$ increases, but equivalently it shows that $S_\nu^2/\nu$ tends to $1$ while its variance tends to $0.$ Chebyshev's Inequality then implies an arbitrarily large amount of the probability of $S_\nu^2/\nu$ eventually becomes concentrated in arbitrarily small neighborhoods of $1.$ That in turn implies an arbitrarily large amount of the probability of $\varphi_\nu=\log\left(S_\nu^2/\nu\right)$ becomes concentrated in arbitrarily small neighborhoods of $0.$
In mathematical analysis, a sequence like $(\varphi_\nu)$ is sometimes called a "mollifier" (provided $\varphi_\nu$ is smooth and compactly supported). The key idea is that adding a mollifier to another random variable has less and less of an effect, converging (almost surely) to that other variable in the limit. That result does not depend on the smoothness of the mollifying functions and it only really requires that their supports constrict down to zero. However, since our $\varphi_\nu$ do not have compact support, the usual conclusion that convergence occurs almost everywhere (with respect to Lebesgue measure) has to be weakened to convergence in probability.
Let $W$ represent either $Z_{+}$ or $Z_{-}$ and let $T_\nu = S_\nu^2/\nu.$ Because $W$ and $T_\nu$ are both positive, we may take logarithms:
$$\log\left(\frac{W}{\sqrt{T_\nu}}\right) = \log(W) + \left(- \frac{1}{2}\log(T_\nu)\right).$$
The factor of $-1/2$ does not affect the mollifying properties of the sequence of $\varphi_\nu = \log(T_\nu).$ Thus, the sequence $\log(W/\sqrt{T_\nu})$ converges in probability to $\log(W).$ Since the $\log$ is continuous, we see that $W/\sqrt{T_\nu}$ converges to $W.$
Obviously when $W$ is an atom at $0,$ the sequence $W/\sqrt{T_\nu}$ is constantly $0.$
Finally, now that we have seen that all three components of $Z/\sqrt{T_\nu}$ converge to the corresponding components of $Z,$ we conclude
In the generalized setting, $t_\nu=\frac{Z}{\sqrt{S_\nu^2/\nu}}$ converges in probability to $Z.$
If, in addition, $Z$ and $S_\nu^2$ (for each $\nu,$ at least eventually for large $\nu$) have continuous distributions with bounded densities (as in the case of Normal and Chi-squared distributions in the Student $t$ setting), it is now straightforward to show the sequence of distribution functions of $t_\nu$ converges uniformly to the distribution function of $Z.$ (The boundedness allows us to conclude that the convergence is uniform.)