To define or filter out outlier, first we need to define what is "normal scenarios".
We do not need to assume data is coming from normal distribution. If we are using parametric method, any distribution should be fine to get the outliers. For example, we can fit our data to an exponential distribution. After fitting, we can calculate the likelihood for any data point that belong to this distribution and use likelihood to detect outliers.
Here is an example:
We first generate data with rate $1$ from exponential distribution.
Then we fit the a model on data and got rate $0.97$ (pretty close to $1$ with 1000 samples).
Finally we can test for different points: $1, 3, 30, -1$. From the numbers we can see, 30 and -1 are outliers (PDF values close to 0).
> require(MASS)
> set.seed(0)
> x=rexp(1000)
> hist(x)
> fit1 <- fitdistr(x, "exponential")
> print(fit1$estimate)
> dexp(1,rate=fit1$estimate)
[1] 0.3677237
> dexp(3,rate=fit1$estimate)
[1] 0.05271892
> dexp(30,rate=fit1$estimate)
[1] 2.157607e-13
> dexp(-1,rate=fit1$estimate)
[1] 0
underlines that there are many threads here on that topic, some much upvoted. I can't see that you have a distinctively new question here. WIth highly skewed distributions, either work on a transformed scale, or consider what skewed distribution might make sense of the data. Real data often include the Amazon, or Amazon, genuinely very big values. $\endgroup$