My data consists of 790 columns of normalized metabolite expression values (some collected at a first and second-time point) for approximately 100 subjects ( so 200 gene expression values corresponding to 790 different metabolites altogether).
I am trying to fit a linear mixed effect model to my data, and I am having some medication kept as fixed effects which are known to influence the metabolite levels (BB, WA, ACOG), and also age and adiposity.
My predictor here will be my disease status, and the response will be metabolite levels. Here is the formula I have tried so far ( although I am coming up against some error messages), therefore I don't think I have my response variable in the correct format. Please could anybody suggest a correct format?
fit <- lmer (data1[, 1:790] ~ data1$Diseasestatus +
+ data1$BB + data1$WA + data1$ACOG + data1$Age + data1$Adiposity ,REML = F)
Error messages include;
Error in model.frame.default(drop.unused.levels = TRUE, formula = data1[, 1:790] ~ :
invalid type (list) for variable 'data1'
Just using one particular metabolite as the response i.e data1[, 1] got the error message of
Error in KhatriRao(sm, t(mm)) : (p <- ncol(X)) == ncol(Y) is not TRUE
I am sorry if this is a naive question. No examples I have found thus far actually show the format of the response variable data. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you
Edit; I aim to compare the 790 metabolites between the control and inflammatory bowel disease groups ( through looking at the effect size and also p values). I have found some code that I have changed slightly, but I am still not able to do see any output ( once I have converted the data into the correct format). I ultimately would like a table with one column metabolites, one column effect size values and one column p values. I am not getting this unfortunately;
fit1 <- lmer(expr_val ~ Diseasestatus + BB + WA + ACOG + Age + Adiposity +
(1|participantID), data = data_long)
compare <- lmer(expr_val ~ BB + WA + ACOG + Age + Adiposity +
(1|participantID), data = data_long)
test<-anova(fit, compare)
res <- c(out[2,1],out[2,2],a$"Pr(>Chisq)[2],summary(fit1)$devcomp$dims[1])
I have included some data too (for the first 20 participants (ID I have changed) and the first 10 metabolites, in case this helps. 0 for medication columns means the participant is not taking the drug, 1 they are taking it. Similarly for disease status 0 is control, 1 is disease. BMI values are used here too rather than adiposity measurements.
dput(data) =
structure(list(Participant_ID = c(34L, 35L, 119L, 157L, 158L,
208L, 209L, 1364L, 1365L, 127911L, 127912L, 154110L, 154120L,
167113L, 167123L, 171713L, 171724L, 184212L, 184213L), BB = c(0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L,
0L, 1L), ACOG = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L), WA = c(0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L,
0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L), BMI = c(23.94688606,
25.87052536, 26.38413048, 24.10971069, 27.77280045, 24.93728065,
26.8804493, 23.90113258, 25.07429123, 27.60118484, 23.12600708,
26.39195442, 23.01516533, 31.3666172, 31.80447578, 24.03654861,
25.11828613, 24.17065239, 28.48728561), Age = c(76L, 76L, 68L,
68L, 68L, 57L, 57L, 56L, 56L, 60L, 60L, 44L, 44L, 58L, 58L, 71L,
71L, 56L, 56L), Diseasestatus = c(0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L,
1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 1L), Met1 = c(0.326537646,
0.362137501, 0.403331692, 0.343789581, 0.437786804, 0.720648545,
0.974583105, 0.565800103, 0.613001417, 0.547743467, 0.337683125,
0.393250468, 0.465795971, 0.390206584, 0.172261362, 0.382496277,
0.435237338, 0.945312001, 0.321214419), Met2 = c(0.465736593,
0.540715637, 0.472693123, 0.681156674, 0.416291697, 0.487306504,
0.499092007, 0.634904337, 0.408109505, 0.808546214, 0.4113336,
0.924069141, 0.673204104, 0.693500596, 0.522794352, 0.373602067,
0.716407827, 0.649634492, 0.514429127), Met3 = c(0.902854296,
0.413241218, 0.418436978, 0.599698582, 0.806269489, 0.746859677,
0.461750237, 0.534943022, 0.511101841, 0.339406025, 0.235624644,
0.405761674, 0.312947287, 0.409833325, 0.026137354, 0.477175654,
0.387610389, 0.226427797, 0.19742037), Met4 = c(0.99425024, 0.923934731,
0.804677487, 0.31081605, 0.351561982, 0.529615606, 0.756342125,
0.968115646, 0.989016517, 0.938703504, 0.841777433, 0.103150219,
0.68397041, 0.903129097, 0.897388285, 0.905293975, 0.992337012,
0.358619626, 0.159601445), Met5 = c(0.527268407, 0.646332723,
0.646042578, 0.163344212, 0.202267074, 0.536976636, 0.789061409,
0.725657854, 0.697350164, 0.044081822, 0.959496477, 0.295039796,
0.120109301, 0.160817478, 0.901107461, 0.529179518, 0.573373775,
0.560701172, 0.325806613), Met6 = c(0.809497068, 0.614253411,
0.375421856, 0.446069992, 0.710859888, 0.474587655, 0.217817798,
0.464787031, 0.5540375, 0.62822217, 0.082906217, 0.294754096,
0.862216149, 0.427856328, 0.418944666, 0.516181576, 0.544516281,
0.519113772, 0.279522811), Met7 = c(0.419627992, 0.365954584,
0.434398151, 0.313441811, 0.368051981, 0.660614914, 0.825809828,
0.412109302, 0.545740249, 0.326247449, 0.373035298, 0.380623499,
0.428859232, 0.321044089, 0.24939936, 0.298372835, 0.387467105,
0.906034877, 0.147250125), Met8 = c(0.549683979, 0.347795497,
0.465729386, 0.625045713, 0.551784129, 0.348174756, 0.4334509,
0.594903245, 0.561353241, 0.621274979, 0.231389704, 0.308801446,
0.464799907, 0.401663011, 0.332966555, 0.109698561, 0.184359915,
0.091447702, 0.20568595), Met9 = c(0.605266628, 0.316564583,
0.166558136, 0.337470002, 0.458328756, 0.409329111, 0.269424154,
0.514746553, 0.408357879, 0.572246814, 0.264718681, 0.125162297,
0.211230627, 0.655667116, 0.034006203, 0.189685846, 0.243832622,
0.360657636, 0.259174139), Met10 = c(0.576174353, 0.214361265,
0.523133504, 0.549085457, 0.430400583, 0.53943429, 0.441563681,
0.401805576, 0.386025835, 0.514017513, 0, 0.330305736, 0.567380079,
0.50505895, 0.242814909, 0.306522744, 0.132950297, 0.207312191,
0.328760686)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -19L))