First off, the notation in these slides is, IMO, confusing and imprecise. I use it here with great reluctance.
The equation on slide 7 describes a model. This model depends on parameters and so we can write $z=M(w|x)$ where $w$ is the vector of parameters. The parameter space is also part of the model and so we can add $w\in\Omega$. Learning the weights from the data means choosing the admissible value of these parameters that minimize the difference between the model and the data (which i denote as $y$):
For the choice of $M(w|x)$ and if the $||x||$ operator in the equation above is a valid norm, this is a fairly easy to solve (at least conceptually) minimization problem.
you look for the values of of $w=(a,b,c)\in\mathbb{R}^3$ that minimize
$$\sum_{i=1}^{10} (t_i-z_i)^2$$
this is problem that is best solved by software. For example in R:
glm(t~x+y+z,family=binomial(link = "logit"))