I am dealing with macro-economic data in EVIEWS11:
- new firms founded per year scaled by population ENT
- real gdp per capita Y
- stock market capitalisation scaled by population and in real terms MK
- control variables X: return, dividend yield and long term return (Government bonds), also ONE LAG of new firms founded per year scaled by population (Log(Ent_t))
The first model (static linear model)I want to estimate with OLS is the following: $$ \log(Ent_{t+1}) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \log(Y_t) + \beta_2 \log(MK_t) + \beta_3 X_t + \epsilon_{t+1} $$ After performing stationarity tests however, I conclude that all of these variables have unit roots (except for the control variables).. OLS on non-stationary variables is not suitable I thought.
Is taking the first differences of the macro-economic variables a suitable solution for OLS regression? I am using HAC standard errors (NEWEY-WEST) to correct for autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity.
I am also going to perform Granger causality tests & VECM cointegration procedure to see what the direction of the Granger causality is. So both a static model and a dynamic model will be performed.