
I am trying to calculate the effect size for a trait adjusted for my set of nuisance variables. My models looks like this:

Trait ~ Dx + Age + Sex

Where "Trait" is a continuous variable and "Dx" is a binary group membership variable.

I'm using this basic formula to get an effect size estimate:


but I am mostly interested in the effect size after correcting for Age and Sex.

I calculated the marginal means (i.e. corrected for Age and Sex) for the Trait split by Dx group as shown here: on page 15, section 7.5 (PDF)

But I want to know which standard deviation I should use. Is it required to also adjust the pooled standard deviation by the covariates? Is there some better way to get effect size estimates adjusted by a set of nuisance variables?


2 Answers 2


A simple way would be to use linear regression with the formula you gave, which provides a standard error (which is equivalent to the standard deviation of the adjusted mean difference).

lm(trait ~ Dx + Age + Sex)

If you insist on doing it "by hand", you can take the residuals from a regression of trait on Age and Sex, and calculate the mean difference according to trait and its standard deviation like this (supposing Dx has levels 0 and 1)

resids = resid(lm(trait ~ Age + Sex))
Dx0 = Dx == 0; Dx1 = Dx == 1
mean.diff = mean(resids[Dx1]) - mean(resids[Dx0])
pooled.sd = sqrt(sd(resids[Dx1])^2/length(resids[Dx1])+sd(resids[Dx0])^2/length(resids[Dx0]))
T = mean.diff/pooled.sd

using this formula: enter image description here

But this involves an unsolved problem in statistics (see this). You might observe that the two approaches give very similar results if the explanatory variables are uncorrelated.


I think you can estimate the SD from SE (SD = SE × square root of sample size). Then you can use the SD and the estimated marginal means to estimate the effect size.


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