I was trying to read this book on Bayesian Statistic and have I have trouble understanding the part in orange in the bottom image:
I think I get what is defined in equation (3.9) and how having $R = X-AX$ could give us $X-AX \sim \pi_{mod.error}(r)$ but I don't get how we can have the prior distribution of $x$ from that, maybe knowing what is "hidden" behind proportional term could help.
Source : (Calvetti and E. Somersalo, Introduction to Bayesian Scientific Computing, Springer, 2007)
It is actually a type of issue I encountered several times in this type of examples ( like in interpolation noise-free data ) and I never know how to deal with those cases when we have an $Ax=R$ and we want to express the prior of $x$ given that the distribution of $R$ and the value of $A$ are known. I think the example above is quite representative. Any advice on how I could understand that?