The perceptron training algorithm is summarized as:
- Apply the inputs and calculate the output $ y $
- Compare with the desired output yd and calculate error $e = y-y_d$
- Update the weights based on the error: $w_t = w_{t-1} + \eta ex$
I studied this for perceptron with step activation and found many examples of the training process for that like AND gate and OR gate.
The question now is: can we use this to train a single neuron with sigmoid activation? Or we must use the gradient descent.
I searched many times and found no answer to this.
I think that the samples that should be classified as one of the two classes (output = 0 or 1) will be trained successfully. However, I'm not sure about the samples that lie between the two classes (0 < output < 1). I am not sure about this and I have no proof.