Most of the population-average versus subject-specific interpretations I've come across refer to 2-level mixed-effects models, but in practice, we may encounter situations where we have to provide such interpretations for a 3-level mixed-effects model.
Assume a situation where several patients are measured repeatedly over time and the patients are nested in hospitals such that the outcome measured for each patient is a count outcome.
Also, assume that we are measuring two time-varying covariates x1 and x2 for each patient, such that x1 is continuous and x2 is binary. For simplicity, assume x1 = time, where time is coded as 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. for regularly spaced occasions. For x2, the only possible patterns of values are 0, 0, 0, ..., 0 (i.e., all zeroes) or 0, 1, 1, ..., 1 (i.e., a single zero followed by ones).
One possible model formulated for the ensuing data is a Poisson mixed effects model that would look like this:
$$\log(E(y_{ijk} \mid time_{ijk}, x2_{ijk})) = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}*time_{ijk} + \beta_{2}*x2_{ijk} + v_{i} + w_{ij}$$
where $v_{i}$ is a random intercept associated with the i-th hospital and $w_{ij}$ is a random intercept associated with the j-th patient in the i-th hospital. (The index $k$ is reserved for the temporal occasion.)
My questions are:
Question 1
Will $\beta_{1}$ and $\beta_{2}$ have a population-average interpretation given that the model includes only random intercept terms?
Question 2
If a population-average interpretation for $\beta_{2}$ is suitable, will it look like this:
For any particular time occasion (e.g., time = 2), the average value of the count outcome $y$ for patients for whom $x2 = 1$ differs from the average value of the count outcome for patients for whom $x2 = 0$ by a multiplicative factor of $\exp(\beta_{2})$, regardless of the hospital the patients come from?
Question 3
In contrast, will a subject-specific interpretation for $\beta_{2}$ look like this:
For any particular time occasion (e.g., time = 2), increasing the value of $x2$ from 0 to 1 for a typical patient in a typical hospital will be associated with an increase (if $\beta_{2} > 0$) or decrease (if $\beta_{2} < 0$) in the average value of the count outcome $y$ given by a multiplicative factor of $exp(\beta_{2})$?
For this last interpretation, can we replace "for a typical patient in a typical hospital" with "for any patient in any hospital" given that the model includes only random intercepts?
Question 4
For an added twist, assume that the model is now expanded to include an interaction between the two time-varying predictor variables:
$$\log(E(y_{ijk} \mid time_{ijk}, x2_{ijk})) = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1}*time_{ijk} + \beta_{2}*x2_{ijk} + \beta_{3}*time_{ijk}*x2_{ijk} + v_{i} + w_{ij}$$
How will we interpret $\beta_{2}$ and $\beta_{3}$ in this model?