Multinomial logistic regression (MLR) is an extension of logistic regression for more than $2$ classes. The extension is made up by keeping linear boundaries between classes and using the class $K$ as pivot: $$\log \frac{Pr(G=i)}{Pr(G=K)} = \beta_i x$$
Now since everything has to sum up to 1:
$$\sum_{i=1}^K Pr(G=i) = 1\Rightarrow \sum_{i=1}^{K-1} e^{\beta_i x}Pr(G=K) +Pr(G=K) \Rightarrow Pr(G=K) = \frac{1}{1+\sum_{i=1}^{K-1} e^{\beta_i x}}$$
Softmax on the contrary assumes for all classes:
$$Pr(G=i)= \frac{1}{C}e^{\beta_i x}$$
where $C$ is a constant. Forcing to sum up to one:
$$C= \sum_{i=1}^K e^{\beta_ix}$$ so: $$Pr(G=i)= \frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^K e^{\beta_ix}}e^{\beta_i x}$$
Now here are the things that aren't clear to me:
- How are they said to be the same if they do not even have the same parameters? By using class $K$ as pivot, MLR does not have parameters $\beta_K$, while Softmax has.
- If they are the same, can someone prove to me?
- If they aren't the same, I assume the boundaries cannot be the same: are they at least similar?