It seems ML algorithms are specialized for cases in which the population distribution is fixed. Cross-validation also wouldn't work well if the distribution would change over time. However, it is not uncommon to encounter stochastic processes whose probability distribution changes with time because the underlying dynamics are not fixed.
The problem I am considering is this:
The data generating probability distribution changes over time. (We may assume the distribution family to be fixed with time-varying parameters.)
The new data generating process might be identical to one of the data generating processes encountered before.
The learning algorithm should be able to recognize the new data generating process when it's changed and it should be able to train with the new data.
At the same time, to handle the second situation, the learning algorithm should be able to remember the historical data distributions. And when it recognizes the new generating process, the algorithm should be able to retrieve the historical model and predict with it.
But the recognizing process would not be perfect and it would construct the current model as an ensemble of learners from the historical model.
This seems to be quite a complicated learning algorithm and I don't know if this is even possible. Is there any research in this direction?