I'm studying convergence in my probability class and I'm asked to show if there exists any convergence for the following sequence of random variables:
$$\left\{\frac{W_n}{ln(n)}\right\}_{n\geq1} \ s.t. W_n\sim exp(1)$$
I have been able to show that this sequence converges to $0$ in probability by Markov inequality, but I'm struggling to prove if there is almost sure convergence to $0$ in this case. I know I'm assumed fo use Borel Cantelli lemma, and my specific doubt is if it is right to assume that the right set for which to apply the lemma is:
If so, I guess $\sum P(A_n)=0$ because $W_n$ has probability zero of assuming a point as it is a continuous distribution. I thought this is right but I'm only suspicious I did something wrong with this logic because $\lim \frac{W_n}{ln(n)}$ could become a different random variable that has probability 1 of assuming the value 0, but I dont know how to show that if it is the case.
If anyone could help me with this, I'd be very grateful.