I began with a maximal model which looked something like this:
Response ~ Predictor 1 + Predictor 2 + Predictor 3
I used backwards stepwise elimination and likeilhood ratio tests to then try and find the mininmal model. But I got a strange result for one of the predictor terms. It was insignificant (p=0.5), and plotting the data showed no obvious correlation with it and the response variable. But when I remove it from the model and do a likelihood ratio test comparing the model with the predictor to the model without it, this says that the increase in deviance is highly significant (p=1.752173e-48).
I'm really confused by this and was wondering whether anyone experienced could weigh in on how I should be intrepreting this.
The factor of interest is msize. Here are the outputs:
model_one<-lm(larvae~pop*carcass+msize+fsize+generation, data=bdata)
model_two<-lm(larvae~pop*carcass+fsize+generation, data=bdata)
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: larvae
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
pop 6 946 157.7 2.8336 0.009653 **
carcass 1 4742 4742.1 85.1937 < 2.2e-16 ***
msize 1 1 0.7 0.0120 0.912944
fsize 1 2563 2563.2 46.0491 1.888e-11 ***
generation 4 3571 892.7 16.0372 9.117e-13 ***
pop:carcass 6 1600 266.7 4.7911 7.810e-05 ***
Residuals 1091 60728 55.7
Analysis of Variance Table
Response: larvae
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
pop 6 1067 177.8 3.1920 0.0041225 **
carcass 1 4633 4632.9 83.1951 < 2.2e-16 ***
fsize 1 2371 2370.5 42.5682 1.031e-10 ***
generation 4 3480 870.1 15.6243 1.900e-12 ***
pop:carcass 6 1448 241.4 4.3343 0.0002473 ***
Residuals 1123 62537 55.7
Likelihood ratio test:
k2<-logLik(model_two)[1] (= -3906.125)
k1<-logLik(model_one)[1] (= -3799.075)
score<- -2*(k2-k1) (=214.0992)
pchisq(score, df=1, lower.tail=FALSE) (=1.752173e-48)