
I am trying to plot a fitted spline with both ns() and smooth.spline() models. When I fit the spline I am unsure how I can set the newdata argument in the prediction function.

For the ns() model, it seems that I have to write the prediction function as predict(fit, newdata= list(x= x.grid)) such that I can plot the fitted curve. If I leave out the newdata argument it will pop the error of x y differing in length.

For the smooth.spline() model, the prediction looks like this predict(fit, x.grid)$y. If I add the newdata= argument it then returns me the x y differing in length error. Can someone explain why there is such a difference in the use of prediction function?

The code I am working on for natural spline model:

nob = 2
ncubic_ult = glm(mpg~ns(weight, df=2), data = Auto)
autote= Auto[te,]

testweightRange= range(autote$weight)
testweightgrid = seq( from=testweightRange[1], to=testweightRange[2], length.out=100 )
# prediction with list():
fittedmpg= predict(ncubic_ult, newdata = list(weight= testweightgrid))
plot( autote$weight, autote$mpg ,col='grey', main = 'newdata= list')
lines(testweightgrid, fittedmpg, col='red', lw=4)

Smoothing spline:

nob = 3
smooth_ult = smooth.spline(horsepower, mpg, df= nob)
autote= Auto[te,]
test_hpwRange= range(autote$horsepower)
test_hpwgrid = seq( from=test_hpwRange[1], to=test_hpwRange[2], length.out=100 )
fittedmpg= predict(smooth_ult,test_hpwgrid)$y
plot( autote$horsepower, autote$mpg ,col='grey', main = 'newdata= list')
lines(test_hpwgrid, fittedmpg, col='red', lw=4)

  • $\begingroup$ Hi, could you provide the data Auto with dput(Auto)? $\endgroup$
    – Tim-TU
    Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 5:57
  • $\begingroup$ The function predict is a generic and has some methods. Use methods(predict) in your console to figure out which methods exist. $\endgroup$
    – Tim-TU
    Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 6:21

1 Answer 1


I don't know what te is, I have set it to 1:10.

In the first case using glm the function predict.glm needs a data frame with a column named like the predictor variable.

In the second case the return of predict.smooth.spline is a list with x as input data (vector) and y as fitted values (also a vector)..meaning a list of vectors.

Here is my working example for you:

library(ISLR) # for Auto datset: 

nob <- 2
ncubic_ult <- glm(mpg~ns(weight, df=2), data = Auto)

# don't now that te is... I set it to 1 to 10!
te <- 1:10
autote <- Auto[te,]

testweightRange <- range(autote$weight)
testweightgrid <- seq( from=testweightRange[1], to=testweightRange[2], length.out=100 )

# newdata; see ?predict.glm... it should be a data frame which to look for variables with which to predict!
new_data <- data.frame(weight = testweightgrid)

# prediction with newdata:
fittedmpg <- predict(ncubic_ult, newdata = new_data)
plot( autote$weight, autote$mpg ,col='grey', main = 'newdata= data.frame')
lines(testweightgrid, fittedmpg, col='red', lw=4)

nob <- 3
smooth_ult <- smooth.spline(Auto$horsepower, Auto$mpg, df= nob)
autote <- Auto[te,]
test_hpwRange <- range(autote$horsepower)
test_hpwgrid <- seq( from=test_hpwRange[1], to=test_hpwRange[2], length.out=100 )

# see ?predict.smooth.spline. the output is a list with x as input data and y fitted values. 

fittedmpg <- predict(smooth_ult, x = test_hpwgrid)
plot( autote$horsepower, autote$mpg ,col='grey', main = 'newdata= vector')
lines(test_hpwgrid, fittedmpg$y, col='red', lw=4)

Created on 2020-07-10 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

  • $\begingroup$ Oh I was not aware of the R documentation of the specific prediction functions for individual models. If the description mentions argument 'x', then is it referring to a vector/ sequence? $\endgroup$
    – siegfried
    Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 12:32
  • $\begingroup$ In R it is often the case that x refers to a vector. In good docs like ?t.test it is explicitly said that x refers to ' a (non-empty) numeric vector of data values.' $\endgroup$
    – Tim-TU
    Commented Jul 10, 2020 at 12:34

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