I want to replicate the results of multinom() function with optim() function in R, but it does not yield the same results. What was wrong?
First, I imported a public data as "ml".
ml <- read.dta("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/hsbdemo.dta")
The codes to get the summary statistics of "ml" data and the results are below:
with(ml, table(ses,prog))
with(ml, do.call(rbind,tapply(write, prog, function(x) c(M = mean(x), SD = sd(x)))))
ses general academic vocation
low 16 19 12
middle 20 44 31
high 9 42 7
general 51.33333 9.397775
academic 56.25714 7.943343
vocation 46.76000 9.318754
The codes to get the results from multinom() function that conducts multinomial logistic regression, and following results are below:
ml$prog2 <- relevel(ml$prog, ref = "academic")
ml_pckg <- multinom(prog2 ~ write + ses, data = ml)
multinom(formula = prog2 ~ write + ses, data = ml)
(Intercept) write sesmiddle seshigh
general 2.852198 -0.0579287 -0.5332810 -1.1628226
vocation 5.218260 -0.1136037 0.2913859 -0.9826649
Std. Errors:
(Intercept) write sesmiddle seshigh
general 1.166441 0.02141097 0.4437323 0.5142196
vocation 1.163552 0.02221996 0.4763739 0.5955665
Residual Deviance: 359.9635
AIC: 375.9635
The code to get the z statistics and the results are below:
z <- summary(ml_pckg)$coefficients/summary(ml_pckg)$standard.errors
(Intercept) write sesmiddle seshigh
general 2.445214 -2.705562 -1.2018081 -2.261334
vocation 4.484769 -5.112689 0.6116747 -1.649967
Next, I wrote the code to replicate the results above. I generated dummy variables for the categorical dependant/independant variables as below:
ml$prog_academic <- ifelse(ml$prog == "academic", 1, 0)
ml$prog_general <- ifelse(ml$prog == "general", 1, 0)
ml$prog_vocational <- ifelse(ml$prog == "vocational", 1, 0)
ml$ses_low <- ifelse(ml$ses == "low", 1, 0)
ml$ses_middle <- ifelse(ml$ses == "middle", 1, 0)
ml$ses_high <- ifelse(ml$ses == "high", 1, 0)
I generated one vector to multiply with the intercept and subsetted write, ses_middle, and ses_high for the explanatory variable. ses_low is baseline here. I assigned these covariates into a new data frame named "X".
one <-as.data.frame(rep(1,200))
covar <- ml[,c(7,19,20)]
X <- data.frame(one,covar) #200*4
Next, I created another data frame for dependant variables named "Y" that consists of prog_general and prog_vocational. Here, prog_academic is the baseline.
Y <- ml[,16:17] #200*2
I set the initial value of the parameters similar to the results of mlogit() function so that the optimization function converges.
B_0 <- c(3, -0.1, -0.5, -1, 5, -0.1, 0.2, -1) #8*1 #initial value as vector
Here, I refer to a document to find the likelihood of the multinomial logistic regression. The likelihood is in equation 31 on page 12. I found out that the second part of the equation should be summed with respect to i as well.
I generated a blank matrix "xb" to include part
xb <- matrix(0, nrow=200, ncol=2) #200*2
I run the code below at once to get the results of the optimization.
mlogit <- function(B){
B <- matrix(B, nrow=2, ncol=4, byrow=T)
for (i in 1:nrow(xb)){ #i is the dimension of individual: 200
for (j in 1:ncol(xb)){ #j is the dimension of dependant variables -1 (categorical): 2
xb[i,j] <- sum(X[i,]*B[j,]) #200*2
exp <- exp(xb) #200*2
sumexp <- rowSums(exp) #200*1
sumexp <- as.numeric(sumexp)
yxb <- Y*xb #200*2
sumyxb <- sum(yxb)
ll <- sumyxb-sum(log(1+sumexp))
mlogit_result <- optim(par = B_0, fn = mlogit)
The results are below:
[1] 0.05325004 -0.01417267 -0.64375499 -0.96137147 6.33471560 -0.86154161 0.92387035 -0.65728823
[1] 103.7692
function gradient
353 NA
[1] 0
If the results correspond with that of multinom() function, $par should be as below:
2.852198 -0.0579287 -0.5332810 -1.1628226 5.218260 -0.1136037 0.2913859 -0.9826649
I reviewed my code and the likelihood function again and again, but could not find anything wrong here. I think maybe the initial parameter is wrongly set or the function I created has some problem.
Could anyone please give me any suggestions to deal with this problem?