I have a question about the basic understating of key statistical methodology.
I came across the idea about two stage modelling to incorporate longitudinal predictors. Lets say there is a continuous longitudinal predictor $x_{it}$ and the dependent variable is a binary variable $y$.
First stage Model the continuous longitudinal predictor using Linear Mixed Effects model (LMM) So this is how my model looks like with respect to fixed effects($\beta$) and random effects($u$).
$x_{it}=\beta_0 + u_{0i} + (\beta_1+ u_{1i})t + \epsilon _{it}$
Second Stage So in the second stage I can use these random effects as predictors to model the response variable.
$logit(p(y_i=1))=\alpha_0 + \alpha_1\hat{u_{0i}} + \alpha_2\hat{u_{1i}}$
So My Question is what is the justification of using these random effects as predictors instead of longitudinal predictor ?
I got the point that if we use longitudinal predictor as a predictor to model the response, then we need to dependent predictors of same measurement $x_{i1},x_{i2},..,x_{it}$ .
Also I know that random effects are the estimated subjects deviations from the population average . So the random effects basically have the subject specific effects . Is this the real reason. Or is there theoretical justification ?
Thank you very much