In this study, measurement was done on each subject at 3 time points (0, 4 and 80 hours). Each subject was then checked for some event. The data is in following form:
Subject Time Value Event
1 0h 100 Yes
2 0h 55 Yes
1 4h 54 No
2 4h 116 No
1 80h 117 Yes
Question is whether higher (or lower) value is related to occurrence of event?
Since this is repeated measurement, it will have to be mixed regression. Since outcome is binary, logistic regression is needed.
How do I analyze above data?
Edit: To clarify the role of time: Value
may be related to time. Amount/level of Value
affecting Event
may vary with time. Hence, lower Value
may lead to event at time 0 than at later time. Hence, time affects value and value affects events. Time does not directly affect events. How can this be incorporated in analysis?